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Breastfeeding Support 

Expert lactation and infant feeding support


Breastfeeding Issues?

While breastfeeding is natural, mothers often face challenges in the early days and weeks that can interfere with it's natural course, such as the impact of birth medications and interventions, recommendations to introduce tools that may undermine baby's ability to breastfeed effectively, tongue restriction, or even simply receiving conflicting information about what is normal and healthy!

Many women lose confidence in breastfeeding during this period, and that can be exacerbated by the fact that UK breastfeeding rates are very low (only 1% of babies are still exclusively breastfed at 6 months), and most people surrounding a breastfeeding mother are simply not familiar with the normal course of breastfeeding! Sometimes there are also physical issues that need to be resolved for a mother and baby to be able to breastfeed efficiently and comfortably. In these early days, mothers may struggle with a range of issues - such as painful breastfeeding, nipple trauma, babies not feeding efficiently or refusing the breast, blocked ducts and mastitis, concerns about low supply or weight gain issues, questions around suspected allergy symptoms - the list goes on! Some parents may need support as they welcome an adopted child into their family to induce lactation without birthing, or with relactation after a period of not breastfeeding.

Little ones change very rapidly in the first couple of years of life, and at each stage of development, patterns of feeding also change. At every stage of breastfeeding, problems can emerge that can feel overwhelming - such as baby suddenly feeding much less or much more, managing breastfeeding a 'nursing gymnast', returning to work, coping with feelings of nursing aversion, planning for a second baby when still breastfeeding, or exploring ways to gently wean when the time comes.


Whatever the challenge you are facing, the bespoke support of an IBCLC Lactation Consultant will ensure that you get the most expert help you need to support you on your breastfeeding journey, whatever the stage.

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